This week we’ve been reading “Washing Line” by Jez Alborough.

The elephant and his friends guess who each of the pieces of washing on the line belong to because of their shape or size, and then there’s a surprise at the end.

The children joined in the conversation about the pictures, guessing who the clothes might belong to and anticipating what might happen next.  They laugh at the elephants big pants!

Then, we enjoyed this activity I created  to work on the book “Washing line” and show comprehension. They had to match the animals on the story and the clothes they wear.

Finally, children made a hands-on activity. It is suitable for practicing colour recognition and fine motor skill development . Children have to cut out the clothes and paste them onto the correct washing line, according to colour. This is a great way for students to implement their colour skills as well as have meaningful conversations about the work they are completing using the vocabulary on the book.


Colour Washing Line Worksheet

Washing Line Flashcards

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