Awesome Autumn!

Autumn is here again and, we are going to start a new project in kindergarten. Before going to sleep, Brown Bear help us get to  know this wonderful season better! Are you ready? Open your eyes and your ears, silence and...I'll begin..

Funny homeworks

You may think:"Studying  new vocabulary is boring!!!"I don't want my students to feel that way. That couldn't be further from the truth. So I asked them to label all the rooms in their houses. and send me some photos. Quen dixo que estudar o vocabulario en inglés era aburrido. Desta vez, a tarefa de casa consistíu en etiquetar todos cuartos... Seguir lendo →

The colour monster and the cinema

Este ano estamos imersos nun curso de formación para a creación de curtas audiovisuais como vehículo para a dinamización do galego. A idea e seleccionar un conto da editorial OQO e convertilo nunha curta de animación cos rapaces de infantil. Pero,previamente, temos que familiarizarnos cos principios da cinema e os software necesarios para levala a... Seguir lendo →

Vocabulary activities: In my town

It's time to practise the vocabulary related to places in a town. Firts of all, let's start with a LIVEWORKSHEETS. Please, send me your mark!!! Here you have two funny quizlets to review and reinforce the vocabulary. Please, write a comment about your marks from the quizzes.

Autumn project review

Winter is here again! But Autumn left in kindergarten a wide variety of fun activities, crafts, songs , TPR activities and a colourful story called “Brown Bear, What do you see?” O inverno xa voltou pero o outono nos deixou unha chea de actividades, cancións e un maravilloso conto titulado “Brown Bear, What do you... Seguir lendo →

Liveworksheets: Nova ferramenta dixital

Estes días decubrín unha nova ferramenta interactiva a que se lle pode sacar moito proveito LIVEWORKSHEETS Este recurso educativo aberto(REA)  está dispoñible tanto en inglés como en castelá.  Como indica a súa propia descripción, trátase de fichas interactivas que aforran papel, tinta e tempo e, que incluso ofrecen a opción de ser enviadas xa correxidas ao... Seguir lendo →

Present Simple

Today lesson is about the form and the use of Simple Present. Don't be afraid! It's not difficult! Let's start watching this video from songsandgamesesl.blogspot and then, try to answer some questions about this verb tense.   READY? Do we use Present Simple for talking about routines? Can you give me an example of a... Seguir lendo →

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