
The end of the school year is around the corner and I would like to dedicate this last listening to my students in level 6. O final do curso está á volta da esquina e gustaríame adicarlle este listening aos meus alumnos de 6º. Lucky to have met you. Sorte de coñecervos.

Make Peace no War: Peace Day 2012

                                                                                    Peace... Believe in Peace... If not for you, then for our children                                                                                                           January 30st is known around the world as International Peace Day. International Peace Day presents educators an opportunity to teach their students about the importance of peace and the costs of war. It's... Seguir lendo →

Winnie in winter

Winnie the Witch and Wilbur look out of the window and see snow in the garden. They don´t like the cold, and they don´t like the winter. They are tired of winter. But Winnie has  got an idea. Watch  this video from CBeebies Bedtime Stories and answer the questions. Please, send me how you did... Seguir lendo →

Merry Christmas, Peppa!

rate my photos Our funny friend, Pocoyo sent us a special Christmas card. Let's take a look. And... Merry Christmas, too. Now, it's time for a Christmas story. Peppa and her brother are going to post their letters to Father Christmas. What do they want for Christmas?

Winnie the Witch

Winnie lives in a black house in the forest with her black cat Wilbur. When Wilbur closes its eyes....... Do you want to know more about this amazing story? Click on the picture below to know all the story and answer the questions at the end. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Queres escoitar a historia de Winnie ata o... Seguir lendo →

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