Our funny scarecrow

SCARECROW IS A LONG WORD WITH MANY LETTERS BUT NOW WE KNOW HOW TO SPELL IT .TAKE A LOOK AT OUR WORK. HERE YOU HAVE THE FUNNIEST SCARECROWS I HAVE NEVER SEEN! SOON A VIDEO.... Scarecrow é unha palabra longa con moitas letras pero xa sabemos como deletreala e escribila!!!! Botádelle un ollo ao noso... Seguir lendo →

Dingle Dangle Scarecrow

As you know, we are working on a European project about ABCs. This term my students have to learn words related to Autumn and spell them. A scarecrow is one of the things Autumn see in our tale. With this cute song, children can learn some action in a fun way.  We'll also  use our... Seguir lendo →

Christmas cards for Europe

Today we posted our Christmas cards.This week, children worked very hard so that our Christmas cards are prepared to be sent during first week of December. And,.. we got it! We are looking forward to the Christmas postcards from Greece, Italy,Latvia, Romania, UK,... Hoxe enviamos as nosas postais navideñas. Esta semana, os rapaces traballaron duramente... Seguir lendo →

Autumn leaves in kindergarten

This term, my 5-years-old children are working on a proyect about Autumn. They are learning a lot of interesting things about this season: the colours in Autumn, the weather( as they say “the weather in Autumn is crazy), vocabulary and the spelling of Autumn... everything about it..

ABCs in Europe

Como xa sabedes algúns, este curso os alumnos de 2º de primaria e os nenos de 5 anos están participando nun proxecto europeo titulado ABCs in Europe.Gracias a este proxecto, ademais de aprender o abecedario en inglés, imos confeccionar distintos abecedarios e intercambialos cos outros colexios participantes. Ademais temos outras actividades que van xurdindo a... Seguir lendo →

ABCs in Europe:Here we are

Although classes are starting next 12th,  we have already begun to work with our european partern on an  Etwinning project about ABCs in Europe. In September, we have to prepare a presentation about the first day of school and a presentation about the places (country, region, town) where we live.Here you have a our first... Seguir lendo →

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