This year, students in level 5 are working hard on a project about the animal kingdom. The main aim of this

project is that students investigate and learn the differences between the different animal kingdoms by identifying their characteristics using a variety of resources including Internet.They’ll complete an animal kingdom book and they’ll design presentations using the material from their research.


Este curso, os nenos de 5º están a desenvolver un proxecto sobre o reino animal. O principal obxectivo deste proxecto é que os alumnos investiguen e aprendan as diferencias entre as distintas clases de animais identificando as súas características usando unha grande variedade de recursos, incluíndo Internet.Completarán un libro sobre o reino animal e realizarán presentacións usando o material recopilado nas súas pesquisas.

Lesson 1


What do you know about animals? How many animals can you name?

The aim of this lesson is that teacher know the knowledge of his/her students.

These videos will help you complete the worksheet.

We used some books and picture dictionaries and watched two videos in order to complete our own animals alphabet.

And here you have our animals alphabet. Enjoy it!


Animals and habitats

Animals live in different places.Some of them live on land and the others live in water. In this lessons we are going to learn where animals can live. Are you ready? First of all, take a look at this video.
Do you want to learn more about the different habitats? Read this presentation.
Why don’t you learn more about animals and habitats playing some funny games? Click on the pictures and you can:
Watch some videos about animal habitats.
Create your own animal habitats.
Play animal games.
Learn animal words.


What do animals eat?

Just like we need food to help our bodies grow and live, all animals need to eat to survive. Some animals eat fish. Others eat grass, meat, nuts, plants or trees. Do you know who eats what?

Let’s take a look at this video.

What do animals eat?
Let’s learn more about the animal diet with this lim I created specially for you.



There are many different types of animals. Many animals are quite similar to  each other. But others are different. Animals can be classified based on their similarities. Do you think you know enough? Try these questions.

Do you want to learn more?Take a look at this video and complete the worksheet.



Animals can be classified based on their body temperature.

Images from



Mammals are one of the 5 subgroups of vertebrates.Common mammals include cats, dogs, bears,sheep, human, etc… Can you identify and label these mammals? Click on the picture and play.

Mammals online game

FINAL WORKS: My Favourite Mammals

The Animal Kingdom Project:Dolphins from María Abilleira Pomar on Vimeo.

tigers from María Abilleira Pomar on Vimeo.

The Animal Kingdom Project: Foxes from María Abilleira Pomar on Vimeo.

The Animal Kingdom Project: Whales from María Abilleira Pomar on Vimeo.

The Animal Kingdom Project: Zebras from María Abilleira Pomar on Vimeo.

The Animal Kingdom Project: Dogs from María Abilleira Pomar on Vimeo.

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    1. Gracias a todos polos vosos comentarios. O blog é o que é gracias ao voso traballo. E agora a preparar o traballo final do proxecto por este ano.

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