The story of the Pilgrims

Thanksgiving Day is the fourth Thursday in November, but many Americans take a day of vacation on the following Friday to make a four-day weekend, during which they may travel long distances to visit family and friends. O Día de Acción de Gracias celébrase en Estados Unidos o 4º xoves de Novembro, pero moitos amaricanos... Seguir lendo →

The story of the Pilgrims

Thanksgiving Day is the fourth Thursday in November, but many Americans take a day of vacation on the following Friday to make a four-day weekend, during which they may travel long distances to visit family and friends. O Día de Acción de Gracias celébrase en Estados Unidos o 4º xoves de Novembro, pero moitos amaricanos... Seguir lendo →

St. Patrick’s Day Activities 2012

Yesterday , March 17 th, it was St. Patrick’s Day, the national holiday in Ireland but…  we have been celebrating  this special date all the week with different activities in the library. Thanks to the teachers  who work in the library for their help. Here you have our St. Patrick’s Day programme.   St. Patrick's... Seguir lendo →

Saint Patrick life

Saint Patrick's day can be a wonderful opportunity to teach children history. This is a very informative and accurate excerpt from a Veggie Tales video that tells of the life of  Saint Patrick. This video is good for kids of all ages. This is the story of a normal boy called Maewyn Succat and how he... Seguir lendo →

Chick, chick, chicken

It´s Easter time again! Do you want to celebrate it with us?     This funny video will make preeschools enjoy Easter. It´s time for colouring our Easter Eggs. Are you ready?   Do you want to play an interesting Lim created by Belén Junquera? Click on the picture below.   Easter is the most important... Seguir lendo →

St. Patrick´s Day Activities 2011.

Are you ready for St. Patrick´s Day activities?   Don´t forget to wear something green next March 17th.     Why don´t you start singing this song? It´s suitable for the little ones.   Five Little Shamrocks   One green shamrock, in the morning dew, Another one sprouted, and then there were two. Two green... Seguir lendo →


Saint Patrick´s Day is celebrated each year on March 17th. In Ireland, Saint Patrick´s Day is  a national holiday. Saint Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland. He was the one who brought Christianity to the Irish. He taught many of the people of Ireland to read and write. Saint Patrick was born in the... Seguir lendo →

Thanksgiving 2010

"Thanksgiving Day" will take place in the USA next 25th November. Do you want to hunt your turkey? Click on the picture and you can find some Thanksgiving games. " Os desfiles son outras das tradicións do Día de Acción de Grazas. O de Nova Yorke é o máis grande e famoso de EEUU. Aquí... Seguir lendo →


Este ano os nenos de 5º celebraron a "Noite das Fogueiras" no cole. Aprenderon porque e como a xente no Reino Unido celebra esta noite e fixeron os seus propios monecos. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This year, students in level 5 celebrated Bonfire Night at school. They learnt why and how people all around UK celebrate Bonfire Night... Seguir lendo →


On 31 st October people in Britain and the USA celebrate Halloween. Halloween is the night on which ghosts and witches can be seen. On that night people- specially children- dress up with witches´hats, Dracula´s cloaks, frightened mask as monsters, wizards, black cats or vampires, scare their family and friends. They make a lattern... Seguir lendo →

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