Poetry Day 2013

World Poetry Day is on 21 March, and was declared by UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) in 1999. The purpose of the day is to promote the reading, writing, publishing and teaching of poetry throughout the world. World Poetry Day is an opportunity for children to be introduced to poetry in... Seguir lendo →

School Day of Peace and Non-Violence

January 30th - School Day of Peace and Non-Violence The School Day of Peace and Non-Violence was first celebrated in 1964. Its objective is to educate for and about tolerance, solidarity, agreement and respect for Human Rights, non-violence and peace. On this day, primary and secondary schools turn into instruments of peace and understanding among... Seguir lendo →

Doña Pitu Piturra: English version

As you know, we are working in a scrapbook about Gloria Fuertes, a famous Spanish poet. Gloria Fuertes was born in Madrid, Spain on July 28, 1917.  She wrote poems, stories and songs for children. So we decided that the best  way of keeping  working on our project Reciting Poetry is with a poem by... Seguir lendo →

Proxecto Colaborativo Libro Virtual Gloria Fuertes

Comezamos o curso coas pilas ben cargadas gracias á concesión do  1º Premio Internacional en Innovación Educativa (Mod. D) polo Proxecto Colaborativo Libro Virtual Federico García Lorca   da Fundación Telefónica. Por iso os profes do cole tomamos  a decisión de participar no novo libro virtual que lidera Lourdes Giraldo sobre a poeta dos rapaces Gloria... Seguir lendo →

World Poetry Day

World Poetry Day is on 21 March, and was declared by UNESCO in 1999. The purpose of the day is to promote the reading, writing, publishing and teaching of poetry throughout the world.World Poetry Day is an opportunity for children to be introduced to poetry in classrooms. It is a time when classrooms are busy... Seguir lendo →

Butterfly by Federico García Lorca

During this school year, we are commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the death of the famous Spanish poet, dramatist and theatre director, Federico García Lorca. Federico García Lorca wrote little poems for his sisters and their friends and the children of other writers. That’s why we decided to include this poem in our Poetry Project.... Seguir lendo →

Winter Poem

Here you have a new cool poem of our Poetry Project.       Let´s take a look at our winter poems. Ver álbum completo

Christmas poem

Christmas is time for giving. And students in level 4 want to give all you a special Christmas gift. Take a look at this video and... Enjoy Christmas! ................................................................................. O Nadal é tempo de dar e os alumnos de 4º quérenvos dar un agasallo navideño. Aquí tendes este vídeo e disfrutade do Nadal.

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