This school year, our school is working on a project about animals. From the English area we will try to participate as far as possible. Thus, taking advantage of the fact that in the 1st cycle we are learning to talk about our pets, we were preparing these funny songs. We hope you like them.... Seguir lendo →

Action week

Fai unhas semanas os alumnos de Infantil e 1º de Primaria moveron o esqueleto en compañía. Aquí vos deixo un resumo das actividades enviadas. Some weeks ago, students in Kindergarten and in Level 1 moved their bodies in family. Here you have a summary of the submitted activities. Click on the picture to see them.

I have a lovely family

During some weeks, students in Level 1 were developing an unit about family. They worked really hard and here you have a summary of their work. What lovely families they have! You are very lucky to have such fantastic families!!!! Premede na imaxe para acceder ás actividades.

Ocean animals

Today I would like to share this project about ocean animals carried out during these two last weeks of the quarantine in level 5. Congratulations guys! Click on the pictures to watch the videos.

My hobbies project

We cannot go out for seven weeks now because of the quarantine being forced to work from home and, although the beginnings were difficult and  and required a great deal of effort and hard work, I must say that I feel really proud of my students work and how the families  became involved in their... Seguir lendo →

My city stayhome project

  We cannot go out for seven weeks now because of the quarantine being forced to work from home and, although the beginnings were difficult and  and required a great deal of effort and hard work, I must say that I feel really proud of my students work and how the families  became involved in... Seguir lendo →


At the beginning of the week, we developed an activity in different levels of Primary in order to celebrate School Peace  and Non-Violence Day . The idea was decorate a tree with some dove shapes and write on them something related to PEACE. So, students in level 3 looked up words related to Peace; students... Seguir lendo →

Spanish inventions

Do you know who invented the submarine or the shaperner? And do you know who invented the lollipops? All these inventions were made in....... Spain. Yes, amazing!!!! Let's discover some of the most famous. Click on the pictures to learn more about the Spanish inventions.      More links:      ... Seguir lendo →

Endangered animals first presentations

Today. two children from Level 6 showed us what they had found out about their favourite endangered animals. They prepared a Powerpoint presentation to illustrate their oral presentation. Congratulations...Good job!!! Hoxe, dúas alumnas de 6º  realizaron unha exposición oral do que averiguaran sobre os seus animais favoritos que, por desgracia, están en perigo de extinción.... Seguir lendo →

Endangered animals

Do you know that there are many endangered animals all over the world? What's that? Endangered animals are animals in danger of extinction. An animal is considered endangered  when there are very few of them alive. In the history of our planet lots of cretaures have disappeared, such as dinosaurs. During the age of dinosaurs,... Seguir lendo →

Famous British People from the Past

My favourite British person from the past is David Livingstone. He was a missionary,a doctor, an explorer and a famous discoverer. This is his life timeline: -David Livingstone was born in 1813 in Scotland. -When he was a child, he studied in a school after working in a cotton mill* during 14 hours. -In the... Seguir lendo →

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