Are you ready to leran comparative adjectives with these fun comparatives games? Here you have some activities that are great for introducing or reviewing comparative adjectives with beginner English language learners. Drag the adjectives into the correct category.(OPEN THE ACTIVITY HERE) What do you know about Harry Potter? Read and choose the correct comparative... Seguir lendo →

Winter bingo in kinder

Playing bingo is a great game all year long. It can actually help young children develop listening skills, self-regulation, and visual discrimination. Furthermore, Bingo is a great way to introduce young children to games because there are few rules and each player has his or her own game board. There’s plenty of learning that takes... Seguir lendo →

What do you want for Christmas?

Can you believe it's already the first week of December and Christmas is around the corner? Everybody is dreaming of their holiday wish lists and counting down the days until winter break.What present do you want for Christmas? Make your list....Santa is on his way. Let's learn about toys and Christmas wishes with some fun... Seguir lendo →

Can you…? spinners

I love using spinners because of the benefits of using then as a learning resource. Spinners provide a fun and exciting way of helpling kids practice vocabulary or structures as they see it more as a game. Word recognition helps develop reading ability faster. They can be used anywhere at home, at school or even... Seguir lendo →

School subjects games

Here you have some funny games to learn and practise the vocabulary related to school sujects. It's a great plan for this rainy weekend.Click on the pictures and have fun.

Fun English in Level 1

Se estades buscando unha maneira diferente e amena de ensinar inglés en infantil e nos primeiros cursos de primaria, Wattsenglish ofrece múltiples recursos para que as clases de inglés sexan atractivas e divertidas e non se convirtan nunha experiencia traumática. Que chames a porta e lles saúdes cun "Hello! Time for English!"e se acerquen contentos... Seguir lendo →

My favourite pumpkin

What is your favourite pumpkin? Is it big or small? Scary or happy? Has it got two scary eyes? How many teeth has it got? Here you have our favourite pumpkins. This year, we have learnt a lot of vocabulary related to Halloween through songs, books and games. It was really amazing!!!!

Terrifying Halloween memories

Last October 31, a spooky Halloween party was held at school.  Scary pumpkins, frightened costumes and creepy games...... It was the most terrifying party ever!!!!! Take a look at our video. You can't miss it!!!!!! Video editor:Movavi             Animation software:

Spooky Halloween 2016

Last Friday, we had a creepy, scary Halloween party  at school. Scary costumes and horrifying make-ups filled classrooms and corridors. And when the break ended......our Halloween Party started with three amazing performances by Kindergartens and Level 6 students . But, that was not all!!! We enjoyed different Indoor Halloween games such as, bobbing for apples... Seguir lendo →

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