Easter is around the corner and we will have time to relax and recharge body and mind for the coming term. What don't spend our free time reading a good book? If you are not sure which one to choose, student in Level 5 can recommend you some books. Pascua está a piques de chegar... Seguir lendo →

Hogwarts Mission 2: A Diary Entry

Mission 2 in Level 5 is completed and the Chamber of Secrets is open. We don't know what the next mission will bring, but we are looking foward to start the next one. They organized the task following four steps: complete the planning, write the draft, prepare the writing and give an oral presentation. Each... Seguir lendo →

Missions 2 are ready!

Congratulations! You have found the entrance os the Chamber of Secrets, but now you will have to figure out how to open it. At the end of this mission you will be able to speak Parsel, the language of snakes as Harry Potter does. Steady, ready go!!!!


Let’s start a new unit in Level 5. In this unit we will learn about free time activities at the weekend. We will use adverbs of frequency and talk about how often we do things. Take a look at these presentations and learn how to express frecuency. GENIALLY PRESENTATION PREZI PRESENTATION Let's practise a little... Seguir lendo →

Ordinal Numbers 1-30

One, two, three … are cardinal numbers.First, second, third … are ordinal numbers. You can normally create ordinal numbers by adding -TH to the end of a cardinal number. Four – Fourth Sixteen – Sixteenth The main exceptions are with the numbers 1, 2, and 3. one – first two – second three – third Also you need to be careful with the spelling of... Seguir lendo →

World Mission 4: Animal Fact File

World Mission 4 in Level 5 was a hard challenge but I knew they could do it. They had to search on internet for information about an animal, write a draft and create a slide show with text and images using LibreOffice Impress. They were delighted with this experience so, I am sure we will... Seguir lendo →

ESL activities:Running dictations

Running dictation is one of the most amusing and engaging ESL collaborative activities. What makes running dictation so popular among teachers and students is because it practices the four language skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening. The Art of the Running Dictation for the American English Live Teacher Professional Development Series "RUNNING DICTATION" é unha... Seguir lendo →


Guessing games is a game to guess a thing, person or place, the one of student or group mention the clues and other students as a guesser guess that thing, person or place. Guessing game becomes an interesting technique which can be implemented by English teachers to teach speaking. Besides,guessing game can help teacher to hire... Seguir lendo →

Mission 2: A survey about frecuency

They got it! Mission 2 is over. In this new mission, students in Level 5 found out about the frecuency students in Level 6 do something at the weekend and wrote a short report. Nesta ocasión, os alumnos de 5º averiguaron a frecuencia coa que os alumnso de 6º fan unha actividade durante o fin... Seguir lendo →

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